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Hello La Paz County 

I am a Republican running for La Paz County Supervisor District 2 in 2024.  

First off: Why am I running? County business hit my radar two years ago with a zoning situation in my neighborhood.  During that experience it became clear to me that the foundation of the county needs some work.  We need cohesive, common sense, follow the law policies and procedures across the board.  No one should have to guess how things are done.  No one should have to decipher Arizona Revised Statutes to figure out how county operations work.  And by "no one" I mean citizens and county staff.  It is causing unnecessary tension and mistrust throughout the county.  There is a light at the end of this tunnel though.  We have some really caring people working in the County that with the right leadership and support will make quick work of these challenges.  The County Supervisors are part of that leadership team.  Policy and procedure is what I excel at.  Making strong foundational decisions is what I am good at.  La Paz County will be stronger by electing me as the District 2 County Supervisor.  

I am a "put up or shut up" kinda gal.  I want better representation and I would like to see this county move into a "Proactive" position on all fronts.  I can make that kind of difference.  I have been actively learning and researching what matters most to you so that I will be ready to hit the ground running after the election.  July 30th and November 5th it is up to you to vote!

Where am I? I live a few miles east of Bouse with my husband, daughter, and mother-in-law.  We moved here for open spaces, dark nights, and the quiet life.  I want to make sure, that for all of us, our way of life is preserved while still allowing for appropriate growth. 

Where did I come from? I was born in Washington state and spent most of my life in Canada.  I spent my youth travelling all over the world with my family.  They instilled in me a sense of curiosity and desire to always keep learning and growing.  I have lived in my car, campers, a remote island, a boat, apartments in big cities, and multimillion dollar homes in exclusive neighborhoods.  Those experiences gave me the opportunity to live and appreciate all different kinds of lifestyles.  This is important because La Paz County has a full array of lifestyles.  Each is unique, valid, and important to those that are living it.   When you head to the voting booth on July 30th, please choose the person who is going to take the time to get to know you so that the decisions they make for the next 4 years best serves you.   

Work history? From the age of 10 I was a commercial fisherman.  First with my family and then on other crews.  At 14, being bored on shore leave, I started my own business running a laundry service for the fishermen (in those days a kid didn't need business licenses and such). My fishing career culminated at 18 with being a deck boss on a dog fish boat running a crew of 4.  After high school, I moved out on my own and attended a marine college for Shipping and Marine Operations.  I had my heart set on getting my captains license until I found out that all of my years of fishing would not count for accredited sea time.  At the same time I had the opportunity to get hired into longshoring.  Figuring I would be a fool to pass that up I shifted into a new career that would span 14 years.  The work atmosphere was similar to fishing so I acclimated easily and was accepted because of my work ethic and attitude.  During that same time period I started a First Aid Training school; wrote training programs; and worked with two companies developing policy and procedures to turn around their profits and employee morale.   I was also a Level 3 Occupational First Aid trainer teaching EMT's and Firemen, all levels of workplace first aid, and the general public.  More recently, my daughter and I started and ran "Our Little Secret Gluten Free Bakery" - a home based specialty bakery.  She was 7 years old at the time and it was more of an exercise in entrepreneurial skills.  Still, we went through all of the legal and logistical steps creating a proper business and some very tasty gf goodies.

My volunteer background is equally as extensive.  I spent years with St John Ambulance providing first aid and emergency response.   I was a Mobile Command Center driver and New Recruit trainer for the volunteer side of Maricopa Police.  During my time there I updated their New Recruit program; building structure, objectives, and teaching materials.  My daughter and I developed and ran a kids' program called the Junior Ranch Hand Program.  This program allowed our youth to really involve themselves into the world of ranch life.  We taught work ethic, trust, honesty, integrity, and responsibility.  Something we are actively working to start up here in La Paz.   

The point to this is that all of my experiences have prepared me to take on this challenge.  La Paz County is young, beautiful, diverse, and in need of strong guidance, protection, and actions that are in line with what the people who live here envision. 



I will add/edit this page as time, questions, and inspiration occur.  If I've left something out that you want to know about me - send me an email.   

When the time comes, I want your vote because you believe I'll be the right choice for you and La Paz County.  Please join me on this journey.   

KariAnn for County Supervisor District #2
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